About us

Music speaks for itself to those who are familiar with the codes of the music world and have grown up with concerts from the classical and contemporary repertoire. Today, however, there is a pressing need for educators who can speak multiple cultural languages and are curious about what our audiences feel, think and associate with attending a concert, especially if it might be for the first time. Musicians and music educators thus have to ‘translate’ between these different camps in a number of ways. Up until now, these people have been active players in the world of music, while acknowledging that their personal cultural perspective could only ever serve as a starting point for projects involving people in a society shaped by migration. In future, however, striking the right balance between cultural differences and finding new interfaces in order to make concert halls, orchestras and ensembles key places of gathering and exchange will become ever more important for bold artists who are keen to communicate with audiences that are constantly making new discoveries. Theatre training supplements and enriches discourse and practice, while focusing attention on the potential audience for theatre and performance.

The University of Music and Performing Arts Graz puts particular emphasis on the training of young musicians.

Core team
Ulla Pilz
Sieglinde Roth
Constanze Wimmer

Other teaching staff
Sonja Harter  
Stefan Heckel                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
Helmut Schmidinger
Roman Senkl
Aurelia Staub-Latzer