Illness & Health Care

| Foto: © KUG Welcome Center / Zhuravlov

The Austrian health system guarantees the same right to high-quality health care for all citizens due to social health insurance. The health system is based on a social security model characterized by compulsory insurance. Access to individual benefits is governed by social security law. Therefore all insured persons have a legal right to the benefits financed in solidarity. Besides in Austria you can choose your family doctor (general practitioner) by your own, as well as other medical help (e.g. specialist). But please mind: Although the choice of a doctor is free in Austria, this does not necessarily mean that there will be a full reimbursement of the costs - this only takes place with physicians who have a contract with the health insurance funds and only in the context of a medical treatment. For example, elective doctors (so-called “Wahlärzte & -ärztinnen”) have no contract with social insurance.

Searching for a Doctor

>>> Search Styrian Medical Association

>>> Search Burgenland Medical Association


Hint: Please consider in any case to take out your health insurance and inform yourself in time about the benefits that your state or private health insurance would take over.

Also note that the cost of treatment is partly or even entirely self-evident when choosing an elective or private physician.

Searching for Pharmacies

>>> Searching for a Pharmacy

>>> Austrian Pharmacy Association


Hint: In Austrian pharmacies you can get prescription as well as over-the-counter medicines. Doctors must prescribe certain medications (prescription charge!) that can be purchased in a pharmacy by means of the issued prescription.

Over-the-counter medicines are available directly at the pharmacy.

Emergency Services

If you will be in an urgent medical emergency situation (non-life-threating emergencies!) on weekend or on a bank holiday, you can contact the following contact points:

>>> Stand-by Service ("Bereitschaftsdienst") (also check out the medical offices on duty)

>>> Health Care Call ("Gesundheitstelefon"), 1450

If you will need medication urgently on weekend, on a bank holiday or at night, you will receive it in a pharmacy that is on duty (see Searching for a Pharmacy) or you can also enquire at the pharmacies call ("Apotheken-Ruf") 1450.

Emergency Phone Numbers

  • Fire brigade 122
  • Police 133
  • Ambulance 144 
  • Europe-wide Emergency Number 112
  • “Gesundheitstelefon” (Health Care Call) 1450
  • “Vergiftungsinformationszentrale“ (Central for Intoxication) 01/406 43 43
  • “Bergrettung“ (Mountain Rescue): 140
  • ”Ö3-Kummernummer“ (hotline when having emotional troubles) 116 123
  • Coronavirus Infoline of AGES 0800 555 621 (dial 1450 if you have symptoms!)


Please take your e-card and an ID (if initial visit) with you to every visit to the doctor!

For a consultation with a medical specialist usually a referral letter is required, which is issued by general practitioners.


Any questions or comments? This page is edited by the Welcome Center of the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz.