Changes of Address, Name or Citizenship

> Change of Address

Please inform us immediately of a change of address at your place of studies or at home. Even disclosing your current mobile phone number may be to your advantage!

You may update your records by yourself at KUGonline. In your business card, you can find the item “Studien-/Heimatadresse/Address at your place of studies/home”. By entering your new address there it will be saved automatically at the central registry office.

Attention: Your address has to be indicated separately in the university library.

> Change of Name

If your name has changed (e.g. after getting married), you are kindly requested to inform the registrar´s office immediately of your name change.

The following documents shall be submitted in original:

        > Student card
        > Document certifying the change of your name (e.g. marriage certificate)

> Change of Citizenship

If your citizenship has changed, you are kindly requested to inform the registrar´s office immediately of the change.

The following documents shall be submitted in original:

        > Student card
        > Decree certifying the awarding of citizenship