Important terms

Types of university courses

What is the meaning of the different types of courses and the abbreviations VO, VU, KE, SE, etc.?

> Description of the various types of courses (including their abbreviations)

In each curriculum, the type of course is clearly marked and, if applicable, the maximum number of students for the course.

Grading scale

At KUG the national assessment system (grade system 1-5) and not the ECTS grading scale will be used for the awarding of grades.


"Mit Erfolg teilgenommen" = successfully completed (positive performance), "Ohne Erfolg teilgenommen" = not completed (negative performance)


Grades for comprehensive examinations covering materials from various subjects:        

positive:          passed with distinction

                       passed with success


negative:         not passed


What are ECTS credits?

ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) is in the framework of the Bologna processes to KUG feels committed, the European system for the transfer and accumulation of study attainments. The recognition of study attainments and diplomas is a requirement for the establishment of a European higher education area in which students and teachers have free mobility.

The students and their studies become the focus under this system. The ECTS is based on the estimated workload students have to invest in order to complete a degree successfully.

The workload summarised:

-       Contact hours with teachers in lectures (=Semester hours "SSt.")

-       Self- study and practice, the preparation of and participation in exams.

In this way, ECTS take the whole workload into account and is thus not limited to the amount of tuition received. Furthermore, ECTS is connected with the learning outcomes and the competences acquired during a degree programme. Calculations of the workload show an annual rate of 1500 hours (working week of 40 hours with 38 working weeks in a year) 60 ECTS credits are allocated to these 1500 hours of student work, giving the simple rule of thumb:

1 ECTS credit = 25 hours of student work

Studies at the KUG have the following ECTS credit allocations:

Bachelor´s Programme, duration of 6 semesters: 180 ECTS- credits

Bachelor´s Programme, duration of 8 semesters: 240 ECTS- credits

Master´s Programme: 120 ECTS- credits

Artistic-scholarly and Scholarly Doctoral Programme: 180 ECTS-Credits

Diploma Programme with 8 semesters:  240 ECTS-Credits


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