Legal provisions

Laws and regulations


Part II of the University Act contains the legal requirements pertaining to higher education institutions:

  • Chapter 1 (§§ 51-53): General provisions
  • Chapter 2 (§§ 54-58): Degree programmes
  • Chapter 3 (§§ 59-71): Students
  • Chapter 4 (§§ 72-79): Examinations
  • Chapter 5 (§§ 80-86): Bachelor's papers, Diploma, Master’s and Doctoral theses
  • Chapter 6 (§§ 87-89): Academic degrees
  • Chapter 7 (§ 90): Nostrification (granting recognition to foreign degrees)
  • Chapter 8 (§§ 91-92): Tuition fees
  • Chapter 9 (§ 93): Special provisions


  • The "Studienförderungsgesetz" (German language only) of 1992 regulates the rights of Austrian students – as well as of foreign or stateless students who have been given parity – concerning student grants, fees, financial support, scholarships, etc.
  • The "Studienbeitragsverordnung" (German language only) of 2004 regulates the collection of student fees (and, along with this, the charges to be made according to HSG 1998) as well as the exemption and reimbursement of student fees.
  • You can also find brief information about these topics here.


  • Overview of the Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Research




Regulations of KUG


According to the University Act of 2002, every university issues the necessary rules of law through decree (statute) in the framework of the given laws and regulations.

> KUG statute ("Satzung", German language only)

Provisions of study law according to the provisions of Part II of the University Act of 2002 in Chapter 3 "Study law" beginning on page 16 (§§ 40-78 of the KUG statute).


All the regulations for individual studies are stipulated in the curricula. You will also find there the achievement goals and the timetables. From these, you can determine which courses it is recommended you should take each semester.

In the overview of the fields of study, you will find the curricula and, in separate categories, the achievement goals and the timetable.


> Advancement plan for Women ("Frauenförderungsplan", German language only)

> Advancement plan for Gender Equality ("Gleichstellungsplan", German language only)

> Guideline "Gender-inclusive wording in printed materials at KUG" (Leitfaden "Geschlechtergerechtes Schreiben an der KUG", German language only)

> Guideline for dealing with sexual harassment and sexualised violence ("Richtlinie zum Umgang mit sexueller Belästigung und sexualisierter Gewalt", German language only)


Further Information


> Vice Rector for Academic and International Affairs (Contact via the office Vice Rector for Academic and International Affairs)

> Dean of Studies (Contact via the Office Manager)

The duties and responsibilities of the Dean of Studies are stipulated in the KUG statute ("Satzung", German language only!), third paragraph "Study law" beginning on page 16 (§§ 40-45).


According to the University Act of 2002 and the KUG regulations, the following permanent organizations/boards represent the interests of students at KUG:

  • Senate
  • Curricula committees / working groups ("Curriculakommissionen")
  • Working Committee on Equal Opportunities ("Arbeitskreis für Gleichbehandlungsfragen")

In addition, student representatives are active on Habilitation and Appeal committees, serving each time for as long as the individual proceeding lasts.

In all cases, the nomination and deployment is made to KUG through the ÖH-KUG.


The best way is to work together with the Austrian Student Union (ÖH-KUG) at KUG – in the students council, in specialist departmentes, as a tutor and adviser, serving on boards and committees.

Please contact the ÖH-KUG directly for further information.

Any questions or comments? This page is edited by the Welcome Center of the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz.