Studying & Health Services

Here you will find important contact points for (prospective) students for any questions, problems or for prevention and health support.

Information points at KUG


> Welcome Center (for prospective students & university applicants)

> ÖH-KUG (for students of KUG)

> International Office (for exchange students of KUG)

> MMag. Dr. Mona Smale (Music Physiology Consulting & Training)

Insurance for students


>>> Here you will find important information about the types of self-insurance in the health insurance system, such as the discounted self-insurance for students. You will also find information about other insurance options here.

Illness & Medical Care


>>> Here you will find important information about the procedure in case of illness as well as searching options for doctors, pharmacies, emergency numbers etc.



>>> Here you can find an information sheet on artists' health and important offers for prevention.

Studying with a handicap / chronic illness


KUG takes care to offer the best possible individual support for students with special needs (e.g. because of a physical handicap).


> More information about accessibility of KUG can be found here. 


> Concerning alternative examination methods the Vice Rector for Academic and International Affairs has to be contacted.

> The representative for disabled persons provides information corresponding to the individual situation and also coordinates all necessary measures for these students at KUG.


> "Zentrum Integriert Studieren" (ZIS): Due to a cooperative agreement between KUG and the University of Graz, visually impaired and blind students can use the facilities that are there at the ZIS. Thus, when it is warranted and necessary, these students will be provided with appropriate texts and other materials for their use. KUG will bear the costs for this.


> GESTU: Students or employees of the Universities in Graz who are deaf or hard of hearing can get free support at TU Graz


> Students can also contact the ÖH-KUG for any kind of questions.


> Information by the Austrian Study Grant Authority

Psychological Counseling Service


Students will receive here e.g. assistance when they have orientation or conversion problems or concerning learning techniques, time management competences, motivation or concentration problems.

Even with personal, psychological problems or questions about the development of personal, communicative and social skills, students can consult the Psychological Counseling Service for free.

Psychological Counseling Service Graz

Dreihackengasse 1, 1st floor

8020 Graz

>>> Learn more

Additional offer:

Since the Summer Term 2023, students of KUG have also the opportunity to receive online counseling through Instahelp (digital platform for mental health) in addition to this offer. The consultations take place via Instahelp's Mental Health Chat and are conducted by certified online psychologists (via call, video call or chat) on an anonymous basis. They can take place anywhere and anytime. This offer has been combined with the app Studo (available via the App Store and login with the KUGonline access data!), since you are identified as a student, but can use the Instahelp offer completely anonymously by means of an activation code.


How can I make use of this counseling services?

1. Click on "Mental Health Chat" in the side menu of the Studo app

2. The landing page with the activation code will be opened

3. Copy the code and click on the big button "Start Mental Health Chat now", which leads directly to the Instahelp consultation portal

4. From then on you are in the sphere of Instahelp, just log in, choose the right psychologist and make an appointment for the consultation!


Offers of the Career Service Center (CSC)


The CSC offers free courses for students (and young graduates) e.g. on musician's health and personality development.

>>> Learn more


Compatibility of studying and caregiving duties



> unikid & unicare

> Verein M.A.M.A.


TIP: Note the waiver of tuition fee due to (child) care obligations!

University Sports Institute (USI)


At the USI, students can attend discounted sports courses.

Please mind the application deadlines!

>>> Learn more

Further Information

Health portal Austria (German language only)

> Austrian Student Ombudsman

Any questions or comments? This page is edited by the Welcome Center of the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz.