Teacher Education Programme - Art Education (Bachelor)

Farbflächen © Fabian Knöbl / Foto: Gudrun Lang)
| Farbflächen © Fabian Knöbl / Foto: Gudrun Lang

The teacher training program in Art Education deals with aesthetic-artistic educational processes, focusing on the promotion and development of personal, artistic and pedagogical potential. Students are prepared both theoretically and practically for their future profession as art educators.


Professors and equivalents

Eckardt, Anke Univ.Prof.   Professur für Bildende Kunst





  • General University Entrance Qualification
  • A proof of German knowledge competency: Level C1/CEFR (if German language is not your mother tonuge)
    See also in the infobox for the required German language competency for studies at application!
  • Successful completion of the two-stage general admission process for the teacher accreditation (including the payment of the cost contribution of € 50,-)
  • Successful completion of the entrance exam at the University College of Teacher Education Styria (PHSt)


Module A

Registration and online self-assessment:www.zulassunglehramt.at

Here you will get all important information about the further process and the required deadlines. From there you also will reach the website www.cct-austria.at of the counseling programme "Career Counselling for Teachers CCT", where you have to perform the guided tour (online self-assessment) and where you get the opportunity for self-reflection. The result of the online self-assessment is intended only for yourself and it is not considered in the further process. However, the guided tour is a prerequisite for the participation in the further process. In addition, all applicants have to pay a fee of € 50,-, within the deadlines, in order to participate in the further admission procedure. 

Here you can find a podcast about the general admission procedure for the teacher accreditation (status: 2022).

Registration deadline: 13 May 2022

Module B

Computer-based Admission Test

The computer-based admission test checks your cognitive, emotional, personal and linguistic competencies in relation to the professional educational requirements. This scientifically and practically standardized aptitude test can only be taken once per academic year.

The results of the admission test are available via the registration portal www.zulassunglehramt.at and must be accessed by the applicant via their personal user account. The test result is valid for only a year (for the enrolment in following winter term or summer term).

If you have not passed the admission test, you will be allowed to participate in the whole admission procedure in the following academic year again.

Period of the online admission test: 7 - 15 July 2022

Module C+

Entrance exam for Art Education as School Subject

Please mind the registration deadline for the entrance exam (which takes place at the PHSt in September): 1 July (9 a.m.) - 12 August 2022 via the website of PHSt.

The entrance exam consists of three parts:

  • Presentation of a portfolio* with independent works from 24 - 26 August 2022, 9 a.m. - 12 noon, in the office of the Instite for Secondary School Education ("Büro des Instituts für Sekundarstufe Allgemeinbildung"), Hasnerplatz 12 (A)/I, room A0101

* There is also an option for a personal consultation on the application portfolio and the admission test.

  • Practical tasks for checking the aptitude for this subject from 5 - 7 September 2022 at the PHSt
  • Interview with the Examination Board: Personal motivation, cultural interest and study relevant topics will be discussed.


All further important information about the entrance exam can be found directly on the website of the PHSt.


The entrance exam for the school subject Art Education has been passed, if all three parts have been completed successfully.


Please mind: After passing the entrance exam you are not automatically admitted to the Degree Programme – the enrolment has to be carried out in due time via e-mail! See also "First steps to becoming a student"!

Any questions or comments? This page is edited by the teaching coordinator of the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz.