
KUG-Rektor Georg Schulz; Foto: Alexander Wenzel

Ao.Univ.Prof. Mag. Mag. Dr.
Georg Schulz

Vice-Rector for Research, Gender and Diversity

Univ.Prof. Dr.
Gerd Grupe

Vice-Rector for Infrastructure and Digitalization DIin
Marie-Theres Holler

KUG Vizerektorin Barbara Simandl; Foto: Alexander Wenzel
Vice-Rector for Finance and Personnel Administration

Barbara Simandl

KUG Vizerektorin Constanze Wimmer; Foto: Reinhard Winkler
Vice-Rector for Academic and International Affairs

Univ.Prof. Mag.a
Constanze Wimmer

Rules of Procedure of Rector's Office



Rector’s Office

The Rector’s Office supports the rector in all areas within their authority and ensures that all related administrative processes run smoothly.

The staff in the Rector’s Office serve as the interface between all internal and external bodies, coordinate communications and oversee the emergency fund.

Christina Moser of the Rector’s Office is also responsible for the Office of the Vice Rector for Infrastructure and Digitalisation, Marie-Theres Holler (Dipl. Ing.).

Rector’s Office

Leonhardstraße 15/I
8010 Graz

Daniela Bedianitsch

+43 316 389 1100



Office of the Vice Rector for Academic and International Affairs

This office’s central task is to offer the Vice Rector for Academic and International Affairs general support in relation to their statutory duties.

Topics and issues at the core of the office’s work include

Office of the Vice Rector for Academic and International Affairs

Leonhardstraße 15/I
8010 Graz

Mag.a Lissa Gartler
Assistentin der VRin

+43 316 389 1122