Entry, Visa & Residence

Here you will find all important information about entry, visa and residence for all those who are planning to start a (non) degree programme as a (non) regular student at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz (information for exchange students can be found here). Please clarify in time the entry requirements, which differ depending on your nationality as described below!



I am an EU / EEA / Swiss citizen:

What do I need before I enter Austria:


For entry into Austria no visa is required!

EU / EEA and Swiss citizens only need a valid travel document (passport, identity card).

What do I need for my residence in Austria:


> Registration of Residence ("Meldezettel")

(within 3 days)

TIP: Also see information sheet of the Welcome Center!



> Registration Certificate for EU/EEA/Swiss citizens ("Anmeldebescheinigung")

(within 4 months, just if you are not from Austria anyway)

TIP: Also see information sheet of the Welcome Center! Furthermore, please mind the explanation of the application form in English language

I am a third-country citizen (non-EU/EEA/Switzerland):

What do I need before I enter Austria:


> Only for these countries no visa for entry required



> For all other countries: An application for a Residence permit "Student" ("Aufenthaltsbewilligung") / visa D is required

HINT: Please apply 3 months before the desired entry to Austria at the responsible Austrian representation authority in your home country!

What do I need for my residence in Austria:


> Residence permit "Student" ("Aufenthaltsbewilligung")

HINT: Please apply at the competent residence authority in Austria within your visa-free period or within the validity period of your visa D!



> Registration of Residence ("Meldezettel")

(within 3 days)

TIP: Also see information sheet of the Welcome Center!



Exemption from visa requirements: If you are allowed to travel to Austria without a visa, you are allowed to stay here for a certain time. Within this time, you do your entrance exam and after you have passed it, you apply for the Residence permit "Student" in Austria - as soon as possible.

No exemption from visa requirements: If you need a visa to travel to Austria, you have to apply for a Residence permit "Student" already at home. Therefore, you need a "conditional letter of admission" ("bedingter Zulassungsbescheid") from the university and you have to fulfil several other requirements. It takes 3 months at least to get the decision and you have to wait for it in your home country, therefore apply for the Residence permit as soon as possible before the entrance exam! When you have got the favourable decision about your Residence permit, you have to apply additionally for a visa D (please do not apply for a travelling visa C!) in your home country. With this visa D, you can travel to Austria for taking your entrance exam. You take your exam and afterwards submit your definite notification of admission (and further documents) here in Austria as soon as possible to pick up your Residence permit.

TIPP: Please consider that every application for a Residence permit has to be checked by the responsible authority. The more early and the more complete your application is, the more quick and easy the application can be processed.

HINT: For the Residence permit "Student" an annual renewal is necessary! 



Attention: University courses


Please consider that the following non degree programmes are not eligible for a Residence permit:

  • University course "Elementary Music Education"
  • University course "Instrumental and Vocal Music"
  • University course "Composition with Children & Adolescents"
  • Attending individual courses


PLEASE MIND: Basically, it is not ensured, whether you can receive a Residence permit "Student" for all university courses!

For minor students (below the age of 18), it is necessary to have an adult person as guardian for staying in Austria. The admission for a preparatory course or the course for highly gifted students of a minor student cannot enable a Residence permit for a companion.



> Form "Meldezettel" (Registration of Residence)

Here you can find foreign language samples



> Form "Anmeldebescheinigung" (Registration Certificate for EU/EEA/Swiss citizens)

Here you can find explanations in English language



> Application Form "Aufenthaltsbewilligung Student" (Residence permit "Student")

Here you can find explanations in English language

Contact points


Residence Authorities in Austria:

> For Graz:

Amt der Steiermärkischen Landesregierung (Local Styrian Government), Abteilung 3 - Aufenthalts- und Sicherheitswesen, Paulustorgasse 4, 8010 Graz

> For Oberschützen:

Bezirkshauptmannschaft Oberwart, Hauptplatz 1, 7400 Oberwart

Further Authorities in Austria


Registration Authority Graz:

Zentrale Meldebehörde/Amtshaus, servic center, Schmiedgasse 26, 8010 Graz

All service centers in Graz

Further Registration Authorities in Austria


For any questions:

> Welcome Center



Any questions or comments? This page is edited by the Welcome Center of the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz.