Master's Programme Trumpet

Foto: Johannes Gellner
| Foto: Johannes Gellner

Instrumental Studies: Da capo al fine

The programme Instrumental Studies at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz gives you the opportunity of a thorough training in nearly every orchestral or solo instrument. No matter if chamber music, orchestral music or solo music: The artistic qualification through internationally renowned teachers in the bachelor’s and master’s programme can contribute significantly to the maintenance and development of the cultural cornerstone music when it comes to musical competences, instrumental skills and employability. Apart from the bachelor’s and master’s programme there are courses for highly gifted students and preparatory courses to promote training starting at a young age. Postgraduate programmes give the opportunity of a further specialisation after the regular study programmes.


Course Number: UV 066 729
Length of Study: 4 semesters (120 ECTS)
Degree: Matster of Arts (MA)

Qualification profile
Credit hours

Schedule for the academic year
Description of the types of courses of KUG


Courses are held at the following institute(s):

Institute 4 Wind and Percussion Instruments
Institute 12 Oberschützen


Professors and equivalents

Köller, Uwe O.Univ.Prof.   Professur für Trompete

Schuh, Hans Peter O.Univ.Prof.   Professur für Trompete

Wagemann, Martin Univ.Prof. Dipl. Musiker   Professur für Trompete




Admission to the Master's Programme Instrumental Studies requires the successful completion of a Bachelor's Programme in the respective instrumentor another relevant, equivalent Degree Programme at a recognized post-secondary educational institution.

Moreover, all external applicants who have not received their Bachelor's Degree at KUG, have to pass an audition. This regulation also applies to candidates who received their Bachelor's Degree at KUG more than two semesters ago.

If you want to register for the entrance exam, please apply online within the respective application. Please submit the required documents in the course of the online application!


For all external applicantsfor the Master's Programmes the following applies:

In the course of the required online application we need the following documents in time to the application deadline, in order to be able to forward your documents to our Dean of Studies for checking the equivalency of your preliminary studies:

  • Your Bachelor's Diploma Certificate telling your academic degree (on your University´s letter paper and with your University´s stamps/seals and signatures)
  • Official German (English is also OK) translation* of the Bachelor's Diploma Certificate
  • Your Bachelor's final examination Certificate (on your University's letter paper and with your University's stamps/seals and signatures)  
  • Official German (English is also OK) translation* of the Bachelor's final examination Certificate
  • Your Transcript of Records (Diploma Supplement / Academic Record / complete list of all subjects that you have passed, the credits/semester hours and grades on your University´s letter paper and with your University´s stamps/seals and signatures)
  • Official German (English is also OK) translation* of your Transcript of Records / Diploma Supplement / Academic Records / list of subjects

Please also pay attention to any required diplomatic legalization* of your documents!
*  Information sheet from the Welcome Center

Only after the Dean of Studies has confirmed the equivalency of your preliminary studies you will be notified for the entrance exam.

Please note, that your major artistic subject has to be mentioned in your documents. Otherwise, please submit a confirmation about your major artistic subject issued by your University (on your University's letter paper and with your University's stamps/seals and signatures) in addition.


The programme set for the Bachelor's final exam in each respective instrument can serve as a guide concerning the level of difficulty of works, you have to prepare for the audition.

The detailed admission requirements can be found in summary form under Entrace Exam Prerequisites (PDF) or also in the curriculum of the respective bachelor's programme. 


In case you need an accompanist, you have to bring the appropriate music score with you to the audition!



Please mind: After passing the entrance exam you are not automatically admitted to the Degree Programme – the enrolment has to be carried out in due time via e-mail! See also "First steps to becoming a student"!

Any questions or comments? This page is edited by the Registrar´s Office of the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz.