Bachelor's Programme Electrical Engineering and Audio Engineering

Foto: IEM | Zotter
Foto: IEM | Zotter

One could think that art and technology don’t go together. The study programme Electrical Engineering and Audio Engineering is the best proof that these strict boundaries can be lifted in a creative and efficient way. It is provided through the cooperation of the Graz University of Technology and the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz and presents a perfect synthesis of technology and music, of science and art. The programme is based on a profound scientific and music theoretical education. From there on, students can expand their knowledge by choosing from fields like electrical engineering, information technology, music practice and audio technology, resulting in graduates with great interdisciplinary knowledge and skills.

This interdisciplinary research and training environment provides them with a variety of job opportunities, particularly in the audio industry and the acoustic and multimedia sector.


Course Number: UV 033 213
Length of Study: 6 semesters (180 ECTS)
Degree: Bachelor of Science (BSc)

Qualification profile
Credit Hours

Schedule for the academic year
Description of the types of courses of KUG


Courses are held at the following institute(s):

Institute 17 Electronic Music and Acoustics


Professors and equivalents

Höldrich, Robert O.Univ.Prof. DI Dr.techn.   Professur für Aufnahme- und Wiedergabetechnik, Elektronische Musik

Majdak, Piotr DI Dr.rer.nat. Privatdozent   Universitätsdozent für Akustik und Audiotechnik

Sontacchi, Alois Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.   Professur für Akustik und Audiotechnik

Zotter, Franz DI Dr.rer.nat. Assoc. Prof.   Universitätsdozent für Akustik und Audiotechnik Assistenzprofessor für Akustik und Audiotechnik




Admission to the Bachelor's Programme Electrical Engineering and Audio Engineering requires (among other prerequisites, see below) the successful completion of an entrance exam, which takes place at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz. If you want to register for the entrance exam, please apply online within the application deadline. 

Next deadline for the entrance exam:  September, 12th 2023
Application deadline: the whole year round until September, 3rd. Here you find with KUGonline the system for application and the description.
The results of the entrance exam are usually known two days later and via KUGonline you will get an e-mail with the information.

The Entrance examination for the winter semester 2023/2024  is going to be held in presence.



  • School-leaving certificate with list of grades as well as grade report from the last school year (the submitted documents need to reflect how many school years have been completed)


Diploma or award certificate of a higher education programme of at least three years' duration (Bachelor's or Diploma degree programme) including proof of the courses attended (Transcript of Records or Diploma Supplement with details of ECTS, credit points or semester hours per week).

Not applicable for applicants with secondary school leaving certificate from EU/EEA!

  • If applicable: Transcript of Records (of studies already started)
  • Proof of German knowledge competency: Level C1/CEFR - please mind the accepted certificates - otherwise applicants have to proof Level A2 at application, in order to be allowed to take a supplementary examination in German language before the start of their regular studies. Information about the test requirements, deadlines and costs are available from the Office of the University Preparation Programme (“Vorstudienlehrgang” / “VGUH”). The VGUH offers preparatory courses for supplementary tests required by non-regular students.

In the infobox you will also find information about the required German language competency.

  • Please also pay attention to any required diplomatic legalization and official translation of your foreign documents, in order that we are able to accept them.

In the infobox you can find further information regarding the official translation and diplomatic legalization of foreign documents.

  • For countries with additional country wide university entrance examinations, the positive results have to be handed in, as well.

For example:

  • China: APS certificate
  • Greece: Panhellenic Exam
  • Iran: Pre-University Course, Concours
  • Morocco: Concours
  • Spain: PAU
  • Türkiye: ÖSYM, ÖSYS, YKS
  • Cyprus: Panzypresian Exam

REQUIRED CERTIFICATES for applicants with a secondary school leaving certificate from a non-EU country

All necessary information can be found here.

Entrance Exam

The written entrance exam lasts for ca. 140 minutes, takes place in German and contains 4 parts:

  1. Written aural test: recognition of scale types (major/minor), triads
  2. Orientation Questionary Mathematics and und Physics
  3. Written music theory test
  4. Written aural test: Seashore text, using headphones



SEASHORE TEST  (length: about 40 min)

This test determines the ability to distinguish between pitches. Two tones are played, one shortly after the other. The second tone is either higher or lower than the first tone. On the answer sheet, one writes H if the second tone is higher than the first tone, or L if the second tone is lower than the first tone.

This test determines the ability to distinguish between the volume of tones. Two tones are played, one shortly after the other, with differences in volume. On the answer sheet, one writes L if the second tone is louder than the first tone, or S if the second tone is softer than the first tone.

This test determines the ability to distinguish between rhythms. Two rhythmic sequences are played, one shortly after the other. The second sequence has either the same rhythm as the first, or it is different. If the rhythmic sequences are the same, one writes S, and if they are different, one writes D.

Tone Duration:
This test determines the ability to distinguish between tone lengths. Two tones are played, one after the other. If the second tone is longer than the first tone, one writes L. If the second tone is shorter than the first tone, one writes S.

Klangfarbe (Tone Quality):
This test determines the ability to distinguish between Klangfarbe/tone quality. Two tones are played, one after the other, with either the same or different tone qualities. If the tones have the same quality/colour, one writes S on the answer sheet, and if the second tone is different in tone quality, one writes D.

Tonal (Melodic) Memory:
This test determines the ability to remember melodies. In each example, one hears a melody that is played twice. Each time that the second melody is played, a note has been changed. One must identify which note has been changed, the first note, the second, note, the third note, etc., and mark this particular numbered note on the answer sheet.

Test example Seashore-Test

Further information on the origin of this test can be found under




The use of a pocket calculator is not allowed!



AURAL TEST  (length: about 40 min)

  • Three music examples will be played and you must indicate whether they are in the MAJOR or MINOR mode, in duple or triple meter, and with or without an upbeat (pickup).
  • Melodic dictation with a given rhythm.
  • Rhythmic dictation with a given pitch progression.
  • Dreiklangs-Erkennung: DUR - MOLL - VERMINDERT - ÜBERMÄSSIGRecognition of triads: MAJOR – MINOR – DIMINISHED – AUGMENTED
  • Recognition of instruments in two music examples.
  • You must find the mistakes that have been put into the printed notation of a music example.

Practice Example



MUSIC THEORY TEST (length: about 40 min)

  • Forming and/or analyzing a series of intervals.
  • Forming a scale (MAJOR/MINOR) with the scalar triads.
  • Scale analysis and formation (MAJOR/MINOR/PENTATONIC/WHOLE TONE SCALE).
  • Rhythmic transfer from note stems with flags to note stems with beams, using a given meter/time signature.
  • Correcting the mistakes in a given rhythmic example.
  • Explaining music theory technical terms.
  • Forming inversions of triads.

Practice  Examplefile: musiktheorietest.pdf




Kurt Johnen "Allgemeine Musiklehre" (Reclam 7352)
Imogen Holst "Das ABC der Musik" (Reclam 8806)
Malte Korff "Kleines Wörterbuch der Musik" (Reclam 9770)
Hermann Grabner "Allgemeine Musiklehre" (Bärenreiter)
Salmen/Schneider "Der musikalische Satz" (ED.Helbling)
Wieland Ziegenrücker "Allgemeine Musiklehre" (Schott) 



Please mind: After passing the entrance exam, you are not automatically admitted to the Bachelor's Programme – the enrolment must be carried out, as well! You can decide to enrol either at KUG or at TU Graz, since the Bachelor's Programme Electrical Engineering and Audio Engineering is set up as an inter-university Degree Programme of the Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) and the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz (KUG). 

Note: There are different admission periods at the two universities! After passing the entrance exam, the results are announced as well at KUG as at TU Graz. After you have completed the admission at one of the two universities, there will be an automatically exchange of data between them, which means that you will be reported/enroled at the other university automatically. Please note, that this data exchange will happen only once a week. If you wish to speed up this process, you have to contact the Registrar's Office by submitting your enrolment log from the other university:


Any questions or comments? This page is edited by the Registrar´s Office and the Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics of the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz.