Master's Programm Composition

Foto: Alexander Wenzel
| Foto: Alexander Wenzel

One of the most fascinating and yet mysterious human activities: COMPOSITION, the creation of a contemporary musical piece of art, constantly connected to the question what music actually is.

For that, the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz offers a broad education, accompanied by aesthetic and social reflection of the highest level and wonderful music practical opportunities (concerts, cooperations with PPCM, projects etc.).

MUSIC THEORY is described as the interface between music theoretical reflection, historical systematic academic research and artistic practice. The centre of the programme are studies of historical styles, musical structures in performance practice, interpretation and auditory practice, basics for independent academic research and much more.


Course Number: UV 066 701
Length of Study: 4 semesters (120 ECTS)
Degree: Matster of Arts (MA)

Qualification profile
Credit hours

Schedule for the academic year
Description of the types of courses of KUG


Courses are held at the following institute(s):

Institute 1 Composition, Theory of Music, History of Music and Conducting


Professors and equivalents

Bedrossian, Franck Univ.Prof.   Professur für Komposition

Black, Annesley Univ.Prof.   Professur für Komposition

Dünser, Richard O.Univ.Prof.   Professur für Musiktheorie Universitätsdozent für Komposition

Lang, Klaus Univ.Prof.   Professur für Komposition mit Schwerpunkt kirchliche Komposition




Admission to the Master's Programme requires the completion of a Bachelor’s Degree Composition orMusic Theory or another relevant, equivalent Degree Programme at a recognized post-secondary educational institution.

Moreover, the applicants have to pass a colloquium in front of an examination board.

If you want to register for the entrance exam, please apply online within the respective application. Please submit the required documents in the course of the online application!


For all external applicantsfor the Master's Programmes the following applies:

In the course of the required online application we need the following documents in time to the application deadline, in order to be able to forward your documents to our Dean of Studies for checking the equivalency of your preliminary studies:

  • Your Bachelor's Diploma Certificate telling your academic degree (on your University´s letter paper and with your University´s stamps/seals and signatures)
  • Official German (English is also OK) translation* of the Bachelor's Diploma Certificate
  • Your Bachelor's final examination Certificate (on your University's letter paper and with your University's stamps/seals and signatures)  
  • Official German (English is also OK) translation* of the Bachelor's final examination Certificate
  • Your Transcript of Records (Diploma Supplement / Academic Record / complete list of all subjects that you have passed, the credits/semester hours and grades on your University´s letter paper and with your University´s stamps/seals and signatures)
  • Official German (English is also OK) translation* of your Transcript of Records / Diploma Supplement / Academic Records / list of subjects

Please also pay attention to any required diplomatic legalization* of your documents!
*  Information sheet from the Welcome Center

Only after the Dean of Studies has confirmed the equivalency of your preliminary studies you will be notified for the entrance exam.


For graduates of the Bachelor's Programme in "Composition and Music Theory" at KUG the following applies:

Students who have graduated from the Bachelor's Programme in “Composition and Music Theory” at KUG will be admitted to the appropriate Master's Programme if they have completed the subject area in the Bachelor's Programme that has a related emphasis:

  • Completed BA Composition and Music Theory with the emphasis Composition -> MA Composition
  • Completed BA Composition and Music Theory with the emphasis Music Theory -> MA Music Theory

If this is not the case, then admission to the Master's Programme is also only possible after it has been judged positively that candidates have met the qualitative admission requirements.


IMPORTANT: For the Master's Programme "Composition" and "Composition-Musical Theatre" you have to submit 3 representative scores as well as your curriculum vitae in advance and in time to the respective application deadline!

Only after your work has been judged favourably and the equivalency of your preliminary studies has been confirmed by the Dean of Studies, you will be notified for the placement colloquium!


The placement colloquium is made up of the following parts:

  • Submission and presentation of original compositions (Master's Programme Composition and Composition-Musical Theatre) and/or original music theory analyses (Master's Programme Music Theory) plus oral discussion about this work with the exam committee
  • Demonstration of practical musical abilities

Here you can find the entrance requirements.

The test of qualitative admission requirements is based on the content of the Bachelor's final exam (see curriculum) and represents a review of what is required at this level. The external applicants have to prove that they have the artistic potential to meet the demands of the particular Master's Programme they want to study.

In the course of the colloquium it will be determined, if necessary, which courses the candidate still needs to complete from the Bachelor's Programme in “Composition and Music Theory”.

Admission to the Master's Programme Composition – Musical Theatre is without exception only possible after it has been judged positively that candidates have met the qualitative admission requirements.


Please note, that your major artistic subject has to be mentioned in your documents. Otherwise, please submit a confirmation about your major artistic subject issued by your University (on your University's letter paper and with your University's stamps/seals and signatures) in addition.


Please mind: After passing the entrance exam you are not automatically admitted to the Degree Programme – the enrolment has to be carried out in due time via e-mail! See also "First steps to becoming a student"!

Any questions or comments? This page is edited by the Registrar´s Office of the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz.