Bachelor's Programme Education in Choral Conducting

Foto: Alexander Wenzel
| Foto: Alexander Wenzel

Education in Choral Conducting
Adding value to choral conducting

You want to receive a highly-qualified, artistic education in choral conducting, involving knowledge ranging from historical to contemporary music?

Pedagogical and didactical skills are important to you as they open up new career opportunities, such as teaching at music schools and conservatoires?

You want to expand your knowledge of “classical” choral literature to also include pieces for children’s and youth choirs and other genres such as jazz and pop?

You are interested in learning about choral improvisation and new concert formats?

Take this unique opportunity and enrol in the course Education in Choral Conducting at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz.


Course Number: UV 033 109
Length of Study: 8 semesters (240 ECTS)
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (BA)

Qualification profile
Credit hours

Schedule for the academic year
Description of the types of courses of KUG


Courses are held at the following institute(s):

Institute 1 - Composition, Theory of Music, History of Music and Conducting



Professors and equivalents

Dörner, Wolfgang Ao.Univ.Prof. Dr.phil.   Universitätsdozent für Dirigieren

Fruhmann, Günter Ao.Univ.Prof.   Universitätsdozent für Korrepetition

Jochum, Franz Privatdozent   Universitätsdozent für Chordirigieren

Lack, Benjamin Univ.Prof.   Professur für Chordirigieren

Piollet, Marc Univ.Prof.   Professur für Orchesterdirigieren

Wengenroth, Wolfgang Univ.Prof.   Professur für Korrepetition




Admission to the Bachelor's Programme Education in Choral Conducting requires the successful completion of an entrance exam, which consists of four parts. You have to pass each part, in order to be able to continue with the next part.

If you want to register for the entrance exam, please apply online within the respective application deadlines.



Part 1: Written exam:

  • Aural exam
  • Music History
  • Analysis
  • Harmony
  • Counterpoint
  • Instrumental and score-knowledge


Part 2: Oral Aural Test:

  • Sight-singing


Part 3: Test of artistic-creativity and artistic-communication skills through:   

I. Submission of a covering letter which describes your personal motivation for the Degree Programme and the preferred career (length: 1-2 pages in A4, font: Arial, font size: 12, line pitch: 1.5) in the course of your online application

II. An interview with the examination board (about 20 min.), therefore you will have to choose three out of several given modules. Furthermore, you will be asked about your study motivation and your preferred career (according to your covering letter) as well as about the topic Education in Choral Conducting.

This part must also be completed by students who are already admitted to the Bachelor's Programme Conducting at KUG. 


Part 4: Oral exam:

  • Testing piano skills
  • Testing conducting skills by conducting the respective compulsory programme
  • Carrying out conducting tasks set by the examination board

Here you can find a detailed description of the exam content.

The entrance exam is passed when all parts have been successfully completed.


Please mind: After passing the entrance exam you are not automatically admitted to the Degree Programme – the enrolment has to be carried out in due time via e-mail! See also "First steps to becoming a student"!

Any questions or comments? This page is edited by the Registrar´s Office of the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz.